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Emotional intelligence and sales growth: why is emotional selling more effective?

Updated: Sep 19, 2023

Emotional intelligence, or EQ, is the ability to understand and regulate your own emotions as well as recognise and manage the emotions of others. It’s not just about being nice or friendly—it’s about understanding how to use your emotions to connect with people on a deeper level. For example, if you’re trying to convince someone to buy something from you, you need to be able to understand what they want and then communicate those needs back to them in a way that feels like it’s coming from the right place.

Why do emotional sales work better than logical ones?

Because humans are emotional beings. We make decisions emotionally, and then justify them with logic.

That means that when you're selling something, it's important to understand what your customer is feeling before you try to convince them that your product or service is right for them. Understanding their emotions will help you identify what they need from your product—and then show them how your product will meet their needs.

Emotions are powerful, and one of the most effective ways to connect with someone is through emotions. When it comes to selling, it's no different.

Why is emotional selling more effective?

  • Emotional selling is more effective because it allows you to create a connection between your product and the person buying it.

  • When you sell a product, you're selling more than just the actual object. You're also selling the idea that owning this product will make someone feel good about themselves.

  • By connecting with customers on an emotional level, you can appeal to their desires and needs in a way that makes them feel like they're making a positive decision when they buy from you.

Emotions are what drive us, and they're also what make us feel like we're part of something bigger than ourselves. When you're buying something, you want to feel like you're making a purchase that reflects who you are as a person. You don't want to just be another customer—you want to feel like you're making an investment in yourself and your future.

The emotional selling strategy is a powerful way to increase sales growth. Here are the steps and strategies you can use to make sure your company gets results:

Steps and strategies to use the emotional selling strategy that increases sales growth

  • Determine what benefits your product offers, and why those benefits are important to the customer

  • Identify how your product or service will help people solve their problems or achieve their goals

  • Create a list of possible ways to demonstrate these benefits (for example, by using testimonials from real customers)

  • Understand the psychology of your audience. To use the emotional selling strategy to increase sales growth, it's important to understand how people make decisions and what influences their purchases. This information can be used to tailor your product or service offering and marketing efforts in a way that will resonate with your customers.

  • Listen to your customers. It's critical that you listen to your customers when creating products and services for them—not just about what they want, but about how they feel about their current situation and how that affects their purchasing decisions. If you don't take time to understand these things, you won't be able to connect with them on a deeper level, which is essential for long-term success in any industry.

  • Understand what makes people buy. You should have an idea of what motivates someone to buy something before you start creating anything—even if they don't know it yet! If you can figure out what drives someone's purchasing decisions before they even know they're making them yourself, then you'll be able to create something that appeals directly to those needs without wasting time trying out different options first (which can be costly!).

How you can implement the emotional intelligence selling technique in your sales process

The emotional intelligence selling technique is a way to improve your sales process by focusing on the needs of your customers and developing a relationship with them.

Here are a few ways you can implement this technique in your sales process:

1. Determine what your customers' needs are, and address those needs with products that meet those needs.

2. Listen to your customer's concerns, and address them with empathy. This will help you understand their emotions, which will help you identify their triggers for buying or not buying from you.

3. Build trust by showing that you care about their needs and wants—and then show them how the product you're selling can help them achieve those goals!

To implement this technique effectively, you must also recognize how to use body language to influence the emotions of your customers. For example, if you are trying to sell something at an auction but do not have any money on hand, then you may want to consider using body language such as smiling and nodding your head while speaking. These gestures will help you get the upper hand on other bidders and make them think that they have been outbid by someone else who has more money than them.

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